Price: 4000 PTE / 19.95 Euro
Distribution in Portugal: Assírio e Alvim
ISBN 972-98330-1-x
DL 152665/00

Experimenta – Asssociação para a Promoção do Design e Cultura de Projecto

Guta Moura Guedes
Marco Sousa Santos

edition coordination
Levina Valentim
Inês Lamim

english version
João Duarte Ferreira

graphic design
Mário Feliciano


The object/book in these pages is but one of many possible reflexes of experimentadesign99. A reflex of this or maybe the other side of the mirror.
Guta Moura Guedes

One of the aims of experimentadesign is to reject what is predictable and move forward wherever the creative impulse takes us. This book is but a very small part of everything that happened during the first edition of experimentadesign and has been thought of as a part of it. It is open and «unfinished», a book that retains its contents open, just like the event that is behind it
Marco Sousa Santos

Space (derived from the Latin word spatiu) means an undefined extension, area, interval, length, duration, place or capacity.

The streets are the home of the collective. The collective is an essence forever restless, eternally in motion, that, between the building façades, endures, experiments, learns and feels just like the individual protected between four walls.
Walter Benjamin

Man interprets space. This interpretation is born from confronting two notions of space that complement each other: individual space, (what I am); and the other, exterior space, collective space, the world (my possible ones).
Diogo Teixeira


Object (derived from the Latin word objectu meaning «thrown forward») everything that affects our senses; material object; matter; subject; end; purpose; agent; motive; cause; motive for an action, a feeling; philosophy: what is thought or represented and distinct from the act of thought; that which is considered as independent from the knowledge possessed by the thinking being.

Do not touch immediate objects.
Harmony burns.
No matter how light is a teapot or cup,
All objects are mad.
Herberto Helder

In the anthropological discourse of the last 20 to 25 years we have witnessed the progressive importance of the study of artefacts. These have become an important object of study. This fact acknowledges the omnipresence of objects in our lives illustrating how they can define the society that creates them. Most of all this also shows the growing separation between concept-production and consumption, in itself a characteristic of industrial production, as the unexpected effect of reinforcing the consumers role in the process of definition of objects. In certain circumstances, people can appropriate industrial objects and use in the creation of their own image. A similar process based on a creative approach to objects has been happening in the field of Design. Since the 70’s that in Japan consumers are defined as «life designers». This definition is based in the understanding that a large part of the population expresses their needs autonomously rather than as a passive reaction to what happens in the market. In the recently published design anthology organised by R. Buchanan and V. Margolin the authors suggest a broad notion of design, one that includes the choices that people make for their lives and the use that they find for whatever the market has on offer. Many times designers and manufacturers create objects that consumers will use in unexpected ways. This creates a challenge to all industrial designers: how to incorporate in their work this unexpected dimension derived from the appropriation of objects?


Society (derived from the Latin word societate) a group of people that share the same origins and laws; relation-ships amongst people, affiliation, association; partner-ship, participation and socialisation.

Design as strategic activity – firm identity, offer reconfiguration and local-global development
Ezio Manzini, 3.664 characters
[open text]

1. Have you been here before 2. No this is the first time
There is nothing more boring than a conference speaker.
Robert Wilson, 3.381 characters
[open text]

Colours from Mariscal
The story begins with Black, which little by little is invaded by numerous white, lightning points, transformed into types, numbers and symbols.
Cristiana Pena, 2.621 characters
[open text]


What is your definition of Design?
Is Design an expression of art?
Is Design a craft for industrial purposes?
What are the boundaries of Design?
Is Design a discipline that concerns itself with only one part of the environment?
Is it a method of a general expression?
Is Design a creation of an individual?
Is Design a creation of a group?
Is there a design ethic?
Does Design imply the idea of products that are necessarily useful?
Is it able to cooperate in the creation of works reserved solely for pleasure?
Ought form to derive from the analysis of function?
Can the computer substitute for the designer?
Does Design imply industrial manufacture?
Is Design used to modify an old object through new techniques?
Is Design used to lip up an existing model so that it is more attractive?
Is Design an element of industrial policy?
Does the creation of Design admit constraint?
What constraints?
Does Design obey laws?
Are there tendencies and schools in Design?
Is Design ephemeral?


Laboratory (derived from the Latin word laborare through French laboratoire) a place where scientific experiments are carried out; a place where changes occur in a large scale.

Design/Art – Art/Design
The notion of design is seen as an autonomous process intimately associated to the Industrial Revolution, Modernism, mass production and consumerism. According to this notion design means the creation of objects with a view to mass reproduction.
Rui Afonso Santos, 17.934 characters
[open text]

Proposal for a new approach towards design
Nowadays the barriers that once existed between different creative fields have been eroded. Artists have adopted icons associated with consumption and their work shows increasing influence of other subjects such as design and architecture.
Chloé Braunstein, 8.172 characters
[open text]


Movement (derived from the Latin word movere) a shift in space in accordance with time; the act of moving or to move; dislocation; ideas in progress; impulse, stimuli; alteration; philosophy: from potency to act.