Super Pecha Kucha
Pecha Kucha Night Lisbon

Apresentação pública de ideias

Pecha Kucha (Japanese term for the sound of conversation - “chit chat”), Night was devised in Tokyo in 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture), as a platform for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. The organizers outlined and patented a specific format (4 year editions; 20 speakers for session; 20 images per speaker; 20 seconds per image in a total of 6’ 40’’ by presentation) that promotes a fluid speech, catches the audience and gives opportunity to more people to present their work on the same night. Pecha Kucha is a global phenomenon that expanded globally to hundreds of cities all over the world.


Salomé Lamas
Frederico Duarte
Joseph Grima
Jessica Russel
Made Out Portugal
Embaixada Lomográfica
Marco Balesteros
Elian Stefa
Max Bruinsma
Jerome Nelet
Marcelo Rosenbaum
Gaia Cambiaggi
Gretchen Mokry
2 Oct — 21:30

Lounging Space
Antigo Tribunal da Boa-Hora
Largo da Boa-Hora, 13
1200-062 Lisboa

Subway: Linha Azul, Linha Verde – Baixa-Chiado
Bus: Terreiro do Paço – 36/ 44/ 709/ 711/ 714/ 732/ 740/ 745/ 759/ 760/ 781/ 782/ 790/ 794/
Tram: 28E

Regular — 7,00 €
At the same day — 10,00 €

Tickets for sale at the venue